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Long (Distance) Play, the not-quite 33rd UK filk convention, will be taking place online on the weekend of 5-7 February 2021.


UPDATE (3rd February, 2021):  Please note that organisation for Long(Distance)Play will be taking place via the FaceBook page here:

Information about events will be published on this FB page, and you should join to get participation details (please note that this is a private FB page for those attending the convention, for security reasons we would ask that you do not publish information and are VERY careful about who you invite.)

If you do not have access to FaceBook, we suggest either joining Capricon (as detailed below) or emailing us directly to request your Zoom invitation:

Capricon in Chicago is on the same weekend, albeit 6 hours in  the past, so we are partially joining forces with them for a weekend of filk at all hours (more or less). We will be running programming up until late afternoon/early evening UK time, and handing over to Capricon after that.

- Capricon requires members to sign up for free to access their resources, which will include Zoom for concerts and a Discord server. On Discord, you can chat to other filkers during/after/about concerts and generally have a social space to interact (primarily in text, though voice channels are also available). The Discord channels will be there all weekend, so you can use them during the UK programming as well, as long as you sign up to Capricon. Registration is at


Piers Cawley, previous GoH at the UK Filkcon will be running his regular Friday night live "The Isolation Sessions" and song swap on the 5th, and his guest will be our UK GoH, Chris "Magician" O'Shea.  Check in here!
The Isp

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